Our Principles
We, at BLIX network are committed to model the attitude and behaviour that advocate principles of diversity and inclusion through technolgy.
"It's no longer good enough not to be a racist. We need to be anti-racist." -Rene Carayol
Who we are
BLIX is a network of business leaders championing inclusion & diversity through networking, collaboration, 1-to-1 advisory sessions,
1-to-Many Knowledge eXchange talks & workshops.
We are experienced Big Tech leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who share our knowledge & advise the next generation of
inclusive AI leaders to champion diversity and positive impact.
Advisors share leadership lessons, technology advice and business advice to help the advancement of inclusive
and diverse future tech leaders.
"If we share our knowledge to inspire inclusive future leaders, they will open the door for others; and thus change happens.".
- Karol
"We value the inputs from everyone equally. Everyone in, nobody out."
"We make our knowledge, expertise and lessons available to all for free to empower others."
"We embrace diverse thought, culture, race, ethnicity, background and experience."
"We proactively lift each other up and give a network to those without."