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Stories of Exclusion & Inclusion

Girl Gazing


In addition to identifying negative stories to help us understand and learn what bias and discrimination looks like.


We are capturing positive stories of Inclusive Leadership behaviours, actions and policies.


We want to learn from the best lessons from inclusive leaders too. 


Our Goal

In this campaign we capture, collate & convey real life stories of racism, gender bias and discrimination in the workplace. We all know there is a need for greater diversity & inclusion based on the numbers but sometimes we don't know the personal stories of why it's so important.


In conjunction with The Young Consultants™ we are gathering 100% anonymous stories of exclusion. These stories are true personal experience and eyewitness reports told by employees in the UK. 

With these we will create awareness & action.

Man at his Desk

Reports & Recommendations

The result of this campaign will be a report highlighting problems preventing more diverse candidates from getting hired and getting ahead.  


It will also showcase  simple acts of inclusive leadership and why it's so important for leaders to speak up and speak out against bias, discrimination and racism.

We would love to hear your story.

Please take anonymous survey here.


If you would like to share more, give ideas or anything else please email the team at

Thank you! 

Example Stories of Exclusion
Man Against the Wall
Are you sure it was racist?

“I have had to put up with explicit racist jokes and comments when I just want to get my job done.

I typically ignored it but one time it became far too offensive. I had held off contacting HR because I knew it would make my life worse.


However, at this point I didn't have a choice as it was affecting my work and health. When I did decide to tell HR it was met with defensiveness and denial. And all white panel told me that because I didn't mention it before then it must not have affected me. They also told me that the racists comments might have been meant in a different context.


I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. It was so much more difficult to seek support from HR and then be made to feel like a liar and have the impact of this ignored.”


—  Anonymous

Stories of Inclusion
D&I initiatives Introduced


"After witnessing a series of explicit racist and sexist incidents at work I was appalled it could happen in a large company like this. I had always wanted to keep my head down and ignore it to avoid rocking the boat. I was initially reluctant to write a memo to expose the racism as I didn't want to risk my job. I asked what would I regret more in 5 years - allowing myself be complicit in racism or losing my job? I wrote a memo and shared it with HR. It was initially met with defensiveness but ultimately taken seriously. Those individuals were exposed  and later moved company. New diversity and inclusion hiring initiatives were introduced as a result."


—  Anonymous





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